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Meditation Kept Simple

Salt & Soul Studio Strandhill, 10th April, 4pm-6pm

If you're new to meditation, maybe fallen out of the habit of practicing or just cant get the hang of it, then this session is made for you.

In this workshop I’ll teach you how to make regular practice effortless and easy to fit into your busy life.

So many of us can make the practice of meditation complicated, confusing and a bit of a chore. This session will bring it back to basics which will allow you to fully experience what we mean by peace, no matter what's going on for you.

I'll help you understand how to allow yourself to experience the positives from it.

As well as this one off session, I’ll support anyone who takes part in this workshop with access to one week of online meditations of 10 minute each and a final Q & A session.

Please bring a cosy blanket, pillow and your yoga mat. If you don't have a yoga mat, we have mats available in studio for your practice.For booking or more course info click here.