New Year new me!
How many ‘new you’s have there been? How would you have described yourself one year ago? 5 years ago? 10 years ago? Has the way you have seen yourself changed? Do you have new hopes & fears?
Questions, questions.
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For me, one of the most rewarding part s of my job as a coach is helping people who are suffering from panic attacks. Why? Well mainly because I suffered from them myself for many years.
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This is probably stating the obvious (but stick with me). We are living in the age of being able to get so much of what we want without waiting (you don’t say John).
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If I was to ask you the question “Have you felt an emotion today?” What would your answer be? I’m guessing you will have had one, probably a few different ones. Even as I write this article I’ve gone through feelings of calm, fear, panic & relief (not necessarily in that order).
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A common mistake I come across a lot is that a positive approach to well being is confused with the need for positive thinking. It is certainly a misconception I was living my life through before I moved to Ireland, around 14 years ago.
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Over the last couple of years I’ve had the pleasure of speaking at various festivals. Music festivals, wellbeing festivals, quirky festivals or a combination of all of those things festivals…I love being involved in them...............
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This article was published in the Sligo Sport February 2016
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Latest article in Sligo Sports paper
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Article Published in this months Sligo Sports magazine
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In the movie Trainspotting when spud was asked during an interview if he had any weaknesses he came back with the thoughtful answer " Oh aye, Im a bit of perfectionist actually, for me its got to be the best or just nothing at all..." This really stuck with me to begin with for the comic value but then as time went by for another on
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This weeks article is a fairly short one as rather than read about it I want you to experience it. If you’re someone that could benefit from feeling more calm, quieting the mind or just allowing yourself to perform at your best more often this is for you. If you’re also someone that can ‘never find the time to do this’ then this experiment will remove that excuse for ever. No more excuses…
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One of my favorite pastimes is to pick up a Calvin and Hobbes book, flick to a random page and start reading. I think it's such a clever cartoon strip, as well as laugh out loud moments there’s plenty of pathos and interesting takes on the world around him, I love it.
One of my favorite stories was when Calvin set his heart the goal of getting enough cereal packet vouchers to win a beanie hat with a spinning propeller on top.
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Although I’ve been living in Ireland for 8 years I am Scottish, so obviously the Scottish referendum was an event that was very close to my heart. I certainly don’t want to go into my politics but what really interested me was how politicians & media went about giving information to the people. How the same subject matter and information could be twisted, exaggerated or ignored depending on the agenda they were trying to run with.
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I've never really been a great sleeper.
When I was younger it really bothered me and I'd say they quality and length of sleep was at its worst around 15 years ago. I lived in a top floor apartment in my home town of Musselburgh in Scotland. Musselburgh just happens to be right next to the sea & generally where theres sea there seagulls. The seagulls had a wonderful routine of starting their squawking at 4.17am regular as clockwork.
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Hiya! So glad you here having a look. If you are someone who would like more confidence in ANY part of your life then read on help is at hand.
It's a really exciting weekend for me. Taking place is the annual Warriors Festival in my local village of Strandhill. It's a great day and is centred around the Warriors Run which this year is celebrating its 30th anniversary.
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Arthur Fowler eat you heart out (google if you've no idea who he is, and I robbed no-one) I had my first ever stall on Strandhills Peoples Market on Monday! I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, from the craic and camaraderie setting up stalls, to enjoying the sunshine & having good old chats with anyone who came within earhole distance. I'll be running some 'Mind Calm' workshops Strandhill in the next few weeks so I thought it would be good to get the word out and meet as many people as possible seeing as I'm new in the area.
Now I was one of the only stalls, if not the only, that wasn't selling anything - just myself. Apart from having the craic there was a couple of things I really wanted to do:
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Sorry Im a little later than promised in my previous blog. A combination of lack of electricity, wi-fi and procrastination got to me. At least I'll be able write about procrastination with lots of experience in future blogs ;-)
I'm currently sitting in a cafe on the front of Strandhill after consuming 3 scoops of ice cream and a bottle of Coke so if this mail gets a little hyper theres the reason! Ocht I thought I deserved at after a long run this morning, yin and yang and all that.
So this blog is the second part of my Life Lessons from Body and Soul.
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So here I was after jumping out the taxi that was stuck in traffic on route to Body and Soul festival . It's certainly my favourite Irish festival (the Irish really have got it nailed in terms of what it takes to do a great one). So, as I say I'd jumped out the taxi and was walking in the baking Weastmeath sunshine not knowing exactly how far I had to go. The my big yellow XL rucksack on my back was filled with clothes, tent, sleeping bag, beers, Buckfast (its a tonic wine don't you know), walking boots, healthy food (just incase my mum is reading) and all the other festival nick backs required...And you know what? It was bloody heavy.
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Ok sorry for the pun, not the best way to get started, hopefully it makes sense by the end of the post.
I really am so excited today I could literally burst, as I've made a major life change. I've always lived and worked in cities but today is my first day living in the countryside. I've moved to a wonderful village on the west coast of Ireland called Strandhill. It's a huge change in lifestyle for me but as long as I have wifi I think I'll be able to adapt ;-)
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