Week 1 Part 1 (Part 2 of week one will be added shortly)
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
2nd November
9th November
16th November
23rd November
Join the next session via zoom by clicking here
password 261916
Week 1
Week 2
Meditation following our meet up in Kilkenny
Step one - Choose what you would like to feel more of (your intention)
Step two - Start by watching breath then open you awareness right up
Step three - When ever you notice your mind has wondered say “Om & Your Intention” then go back to resting in awareness
Further Reading (click on the title for further info, I’ve used amazon for easiness but shop local if you can)
The Way Of Effortless Mindfulness : Loch Kelly
Being Aware Of Being Aware : Rupert Spira
Boundless Awareness: Michael A Rodriguez