Sligo IT
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On this page I've included some of the key messages from our short session in November There may be some things that I didn't cover on the day but thats one of the reasons I thought having access to this page would be valuable for you. I really encourage you to play with some of the messages put across & do try Noticing the Space as much as possible.
At the bottom of the page I've included a form for any questions or comments you have. Anything sent to me will be treated as confidential & I'll do video answers to anything I receive so everyone can benefit.
Imagination & Reality
We are constantly living in the feeling of our thinking. Not the thing we are thinking about. This is why sometimes something can bother us and another time the same thing doesn't. The thoughts we add to any situation give us the experience in the moment.
Hidden Causes of a Busy Mind
Here we look at some of the things that can make your mind race & some antidotes.
Where to put your attention to Calm the Mind
So noticing the space will help you move your attention to the permanent stuff in your life. Its a form of mindfulness or meditation I suppose. I would recommend you try it for a couple of minutes at least 3 times a day.
When you get up (do it when your having your shower, eating breakfast or making your way into work.
In the evening, I'd recommend once you get home.
Before you get ready for bed, making you ready for sleep.
Oh yeah and any other time you remember!
Peripheral Vision
Heres a link to a short blog I put together with regards to the benefits of peripheral vision.
Questions & Comments
If you have anything you would like to ask me, regarding what we covered on your conference or any of the information above, you can do so with the form below. Don't be a stranger :-)