Just ewe let it be..........
john graham
Ok sorry for the pun, not the best way to get started, hopefully it makes sense by the end of the post.
I really am so excited today I could literally burst, as I've made a major life change. I've always lived and worked in cities but today is my first day living in the countryside. I've moved to a wonderful village on the west coast of Ireland called Strandhill. It's a huge change in lifestyle for me but as long as I have wifi I think I'll be able to adapt ;-)
Another major thing is that we are currently renovating the house. Its a huge job (we have men in to do it, I have no skills in that department) and the building works going to go on for at least another month and a half. Now it's great that things are taking shape but on the downside it means that we are living in a world of dust. Any of you that have lived in a house which its getting walls knocked, floors, plumbing, insulation & electrics changed will know what I mean. Even the dust could do with a wipe down!
So this morning I took it as a sign that the universe wanted me out of the house to enjoy the wonderful countryside that Strandhill has to offer. I'm trying not to argue with it these days so decided to go on a little run half way round the mountain at the back of the house called Knocknarae (thats what the photo is below).
On the way back I was running past a flock of sheep in a field (see I'm getting the technical lingo already) and saw something Ive never seen before. One of the sheep was bleating and walking a bit funny, she sounded in a bit of distress (saying that she was still able to feed her face in between bleats). I realised that she was giving birth & my first thought was "Oh no wheres the farmer to help her out?". Now before I ran up to her with hot water and towels I realised this was nature taking its course. The Ewe knew just what to do (countryside poetry)..Without having any help she was bringing a brand new life into the world. I stood and watched in awe for a bit then thought she might want a bit of privacy so headed back to my dusty building site.
How does this relate to us you may be wondering? Well I also got to thinking how much time I've spent in worry mode about certain situations in my life. So overthinking things, clouds my mind and generally has the opposite effect of creating the wisdom I'm after (this also goes for the majority of my clients). I find I come up with my best ideas when I just chill and let nature take its course (in the thinking way that is). We have all the resources required to live the life we want, this can be hidden through overthinking which is just taking you further and further from the actual reality of the situation.
So why not think of an area that your not getting the results your looking for. How much time are you spending thinking about it? Hows that working for you? Why not chill out and let your natural instinct come out to play. It will eventually give an answer to the action you need to take to move you forward. So just relax, let your thoughts flow & eventually your inner knowing will speak........Ewe know it makes sense (sorry couldn't resist)
Take it easy to make it easy
John :-) x